Juridical Analysis of Polri's Role in Criminal Acts of Class I Narcotics Abuse for Yourself


  • Juhrin Pasaribu University of Batam



Kata Kunci:

Police, Narcotics, Group I


The legal arrangement governing the implementation of the criminal act of class I drug abuse for oneself is Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics junto Law Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics. The implementation role of the Police against the crime of class I drug abuse oneself is Non-Penal (Preemptive and Preventive) and Penal (Repressive). Factors constraining protection for the Examination of the Role of the National Police against class I narcotics abuse are Facilities and Facilities in Law Enforcement, Society, and Law Enforcement. Therefore, the community must actively eradicate narcotics abuse and not remain silent when they know about a narcotics-related crime.




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Cara Mengutip

Juhrin Pasaribu. (2022). Juridical Analysis of Polri’s Role in Criminal Acts of Class I Narcotics Abuse for Yourself. LITERACY : International Scientific Journals of Social, Education, Humanities, 1(3), 219–225. https://doi.org/10.56910/literacy.v1i3.555

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