Pendampingan Pengolahan dan Pemberian Makanan Tambahan sebagai Usaha Pencegahan Stunting di Kelurahan Suka Asih Kecamatan Tangerang
Stunting, Nutritional, Healthy, Intelligent, ProductiveAbstract
The background to assistance in processing and providing additional food as an effort to prevent stunting includes an in-depth understanding of the factors that cause stunting and how nutritional interventions can affect children's growth. Here is the background. The Importance of Optimal Growth in Children Under Five: Optimal growth in children under five is the key to ensuring they grow into a healthy, intelligent and productive generation.This problem formulation will help design studies or programs that are right on target and focus attention on key aspects that need to be improved to prevent stunting through assistance with food processing and providing additional food in Suka Asih Village, Tangerang District. a condition where a child has a height lower than the standard that should be appropriate for his age. Stunting prevention is a very important effort to ensure optimal growth and development of children. One effective strategy in preventing stunting is through assistance with food processing and providing additional food.
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Sastria, A., Hasnah, & Fadli. (2019). Faktor Kejadian Stunting Pada Anak Dan Balita Pendahuluan Metode. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Stikes Hang Tuah Surabaya, 14(2), 100–108.Pusat Data dan Informasi Kemenkes RI. (2018). Situasi Balita Pendek (Stunting) di Indonesia. Buletin Jendela Data Dan InformasiKesehatan,53(9),1689–1699