Pentingnya Web Desa Berbasis Kemitraan Desa Oluhuta Menuju Desa Mandiri


  • Lukman Pakaya Universitas Negeri Gorontalo



Village Web, Oluhuta Village, Partnership


This partnership-based community service activity lasted for 4 months as a form of independent learning internship at the MBKM independent campus. By carrying out the program on the importance of the village website for villages in the Kabila Bone sub-district, Bone Bolango district, the service team realized the Oluhuta village website creation program, where this village is located in the Tomini Bay area of Gorontalo province. The purpose of making the Oluhuta village website is not just to introduce Oluhuta village to the public, but also to gather information about villages with village potential.



Amaliah, T. H. (2023). Implementasi Rancangan Web Desa Botutonuo Sebagai Upaya Menuju Desa. Jurnal Informasi Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(2).

Marliana, R. R., Sejati, W., Nisa, W. A., Pujayanti, U., Sopian, R., & Noergana, W. (2022). Rancang Bangun Website Desa Citengah untuk Pengembangan Promosi Potensi Desa. JPPM (Jurnal Pengabdian Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat), 6(1), 193.

Wuryandini, A. R., Bito, A., Rahayu, Y., & Juwita, D. (2023). Penguatan Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa Berbasis Kemitraan Melalui Pembuatan Web Desa Wujud Profil Desa Huangobotu Strengthening Partnership-Based Village Financial Management Through the Development of a Village Web as a Profile of Huangobotu Village. 2(2), 143–147.





How to Cite

Lukman Pakaya. (2023). Pentingnya Web Desa Berbasis Kemitraan Desa Oluhuta Menuju Desa Mandiri. SAFARI :Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia, 3(3), 167–171.