Mari Berbicara Dengan Bahasa Yang Benar Dan Etis di Ruang Digital Untuk Siswa SMA Laboratorium UPGRIS Semarang


  • Triani Triani STIE Widya Manggala
  • Nurdhiana Nurdhiana STIE Widya Manggala
  • Tantri Widiastuti STIE Widya Manggala
  • Tjandra Tirtono STIE Widya Manggala



Speak correctly, Be ethical, Digital Space


This community service aims to provide discourse and provide an understanding of the importance of speaking correctly and ethically in the digital space. This is important because the increasing development of technology in the digital era has resulted in new breakthroughs in social media and the like. Social Media (digital media) is a means of communication for the world community that relatively closes the distance between one region and another, which makes it very easy for users to interact with anyone, so correct and ethical language procedures are needed when communicating in the digital space. A language is considered correct if it is a mixture of six types of digital language (EYD Indonesian, mass media language, social media, digital community, emojis, and machine language), masters digital literacy, is polite, does not violate the law, and gives kindness. Meanwhile, language politeness, which is called language etiquette or language ethics, is basically the speaker's attitude towards the interlocutor which is manifested in the use of language. The essence of language or speaking is respect for oneself, other people, differences of opinion, values and norms, multiculturalism and pluralism


Aminuddin, 1985. Semantik Pengantar Studi Tentang Makna. Bandung: Sinar Baru Algensindo. Https://Mediaindonesia.Com/Humaniora/434057/Berbahasa-Yang-Benar-Dan-Beretika-Di-Ruang-Digital (20 September 2021).

Kusumastuti, dkk. 2021. Etis Bermedia Digital. Https://Literasidigital.Id/Books/Modul-Etis-Bermedia-Digital/ ) Etis Bermedia Digital, (27 September 2021)

Pringgawidagda, Suwarna. 2002. Strategi Penguasaan Berbahasa. Yogyakarta: Adicita Karya Nusa. Aminuddin, 1985: 28-29).

Pujarnako, Mung. 2018. “Etika Komunikasi Verbal Dalam Penulisan Berita Di Media Online” Jurnal Citra Volume 6 No 1, Januari 2018 Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Jayabaya.




How to Cite

Triani Triani, Nurdhiana Nurdhiana, Tantri Widiastuti, & Tjandra Tirtono. (2024). Mari Berbicara Dengan Bahasa Yang Benar Dan Etis di Ruang Digital Untuk Siswa SMA Laboratorium UPGRIS Semarang. SAFARI :Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia, 4(2), 93–98.