A Content Analysis Of Blooms’ Revised Cognitive Taxonomy in The Textbook Entitled “Grow With English” for The Sixth Grade of Elementary School
Higher order thinking skill, Reading exercise, English TextbooksAbstract
The Objective of this research is to get empirical evidence of the distribution of higher order thinking skill based on revised edition of Bloom’s taxonomy in English textbook namely Grow with English Textbook. In this research, the researcher used content analysis method. In collecting data, the researcher used checklist table to collect qualitative data in form of words which were reading exercises. The researcher employed analysis card as the instrument to analyze the data. The researcher found that each textbook had different distribution of the HOTS. As the focus of this research, the HOTS consists of three skills namely; the create skill or C4, the evaluate skill or C5, and the create skill or C6. The results showed that the analyze skill in Grow with English textbook obtained 8,55%, then the evaluate skill obtained 8,17% and the create skill only obtained 1,85%. Finally, it can be said that the skills of the HOTS in the textbook provided in which the analyze skill or C4, the evaluate skill or C5, and the create skill or C6 were different and unequal to each other related to the distribution.
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