Implementasi Model Team Games Tournament (Tgt) Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Muatan IPAS Kelas IV SDIT Ulil Albab Kamal Bangkalan


  • Alifia Roudhotul Jannah Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
  • Agung Setyawan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura



Output, Cooperative Model, PTK


Learning results are a thing obtained when an individual gets a learning and gives a change to an individual. The study aims to enhance the results of students' learning on load of ipas by applying a typical cooperative learning model. The research USES PTK design made by kmemis and MC taggart with through the four stages, namely, planing, acting, reflection, and reflection. Results in cycle 1 are found that the student of class iv scores over 70 out of 69%. Then on cycle 2 an increase of 94% students scored above 70.




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How to Cite

Alifia Roudhotul Jannah, & Agung Setyawan. (2023). Implementasi Model Team Games Tournament (Tgt) Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Muatan IPAS Kelas IV SDIT Ulil Albab Kamal Bangkalan. PUSTAKA: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Pendidikan, 3(3), 95–119.