Analisis Kajian Stuktural Pada Cerpen “Kembang Mayang” Karya Titie Said
Structural Study, short story Kembang MayangAbstract
The short story Kembang Mayang has a theme centered around women's emancipation. It follows a forward plot, although there is a brief flashback in the middle of the story. However, the flashback does not affect the overall storyline; it merely strengthens it. The main character in Kembang Mayang is Eka. The characters of Eka’s mother, father, Mulyo, and his seven younger siblings are secondary characters who primarily serve as supporting elements to the story. Eka is portrayed as a tough, responsible, and loving individual. The story takes place in the early morning before dawn in a house in Ciganjur. The author uses the third-person point of view, not using the pronoun "I," but instead referring to the main character by name. The short story employs a direct and simple language style, though it is occasionally interspersed with certain metaphors. Despite this, the style remains straightforward and clear.
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